My name is Mark Goodfield. Welcome to The Blunt Bean Counter ™, a blog that shares my thoughts on income taxes, finance and the psychology of money. I am a Chartered Professional Accountant. This blog is meant for everyone, but in particular for high net worth individuals and owners of private corporations. My posts are blunt, opinionated and even have a twist of humour/sarcasm. You've been warned. Please note the blog posts are time sensitive and subject to changes in legislation or law.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Blunt Bean Counter Cartoon Video

In my blog entitled Who says Accountants don't have a sense of Humour, I highlight a US CPA who uses video to market his practice. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; so I now offer my own video direct from The Blunt Bean Counter movie studio in Toronto. If you compare the cartoon character to my picture on the blog, you will note the producer has reflected a full head of hair, one of the perks of being blogger, producer and chief bottle washer. :)

The blogs posted on The Blunt Bean Counter provide information of a general nature. These posts should not be considered specific advice; as each reader's personal financial situation is unique and fact specific. Please contact a professional advisor prior to implementing or acting upon any of the information contained in one of the blogs.


  1. This was a lot of fun - thanks.

  2. Thanks Tom. I have had a mixed reaction on the cartoon, but hey, I had fun making it.

  3. I finally got around to watching this. Quite funny.

  4. Thanks Mike, I guess you are my demographic or just have a great sense of humour. :)

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